THE ANZIA FUND...more details here

The Anzia Fund: A Scholarship/Grant fund for serious, aspiring pre-professional Tampa Bay area Dancers, Actors, and Musical Theatre Performers to further their studies and/or experiences in preparation for a successful career in the industry. To view The Anzia Fund PDF about eligibility and deadlines, or to make a contribution, click here.

Total collected to date (January 21, 2010): $3,730.00
All contributions are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.

Benefactor: $500 and up. Sponsor: $ 250 -$499. Patron: $100 - $249. Contributor: all others.

Make check payable to THE ANZIA FUND and send to:

P O Box 18967

Tampa, FL 33679


Keith Arsenault

Cheryl Lee & Steven DuPre

Mary Jane Jefferies

Karin Silver

Grerory C Yadley

Marta Becket / Aramagosa Opera House

Alyce & Jean Bochette

Ralph Castanet

Nancy Cole

Jane Coyle

Andrea Graham & Geoffrey Simon

Liz & Jane Hollister

Heartbeat Productions

Eve and Charles Jones

Art Keeble

Rebecca Peavy

John Shuman

Wendie Smith

Tampa Ballet Center

Jean Travers

Charles Bowen

Joan Myers Donahue

Pat Fenda

Peggy Huey

Barbara Larson

Karen Millard

Merry Lynn Morris

Robin Pollara

Julie Sikes

Irene Silver

Stageworks Theatre

David Patton

John Walker